Children’s Books that Empower Kids and Strengthen Communities
Our mission is to support grass-roots communities in becoming as strong and diversified as green bamboo.
Did you know that bamboo is a grass? Of all grasses, bamboo is the largest and the only one that can diversify into forests. If the littlest shoots are nurtured well, the whole community thrives, which is why we focus on empowering kids.
Each book we publish is centered around a community-based project. Our motto is “books for communities, by communities.”
The Importance of Stories
Storytelling is one of the most ancient pastimes of human communities. We can look back through history and see examples of ancient storytelling in hieroglyphics, petroglyphs, and papyrus scrolls. The stories we share and the ones that we choose to tell time and time again have great influence on the shape of our communities.
We have several causes that are dear to us, and we hope to support those causes through the power of creative storytelling.

Language Revival and Preservation
Language is what carries our stories forward. Green Bamboo Publishing has launched several initiatives to revive and preserve languages and their cultures of origin.
- We’ve partnered with the NWT SPCA and local indigenous communities to preserve traditional languages in the Northwest Territories and throughout Canada. This is being achieved through the translation of the children’s book Kindness Is into nine traditional languages.
- The Watermelon Party Project. This is a community-based, language exploration project that empowers kids to become co-authors of a shared story.
Animal Welfare
Our communities are only as strong as the least among us, and that includes our animal companions. Animal rescue was the original inspiration for Green Bamboo Publishing. The company began with the children’s book Watermelon Party, which is based on a real story that happened at the animal sanctuary Rocky Ridge Rescue.

Our Commitment to People, Animals, and the Environment
All of our children’s books are tied to a mission to make the world a better place. We achieve this by emphasizing diversity within our books and among our authors, illustrators, and staff. We work with and support BIPOC, the LGBTQ community, minorities, and people who are often overlooked as the underdogs. We have a strong belief in empowering children and ensuring that children’s voices are heard.
Many of our authors and illustrators grew up with disabilities, are from minority backgrounds, or are experts in child wellness fields. In this way, the books we publish are by the very communities they support.
We are committed to being an eco-friendly company. We use print-on-demand for all our books, which reduces paper and trim waste and unused inventory. Print-on-demand means that our shipping times take a little longer than average, but we feel that the environment is worth it. We do not use book jackets in order to reduce paper usage. We also make additional donations to environmental charities as a way to offset our carbon footprint.